
Mr. Antonio Santana

Superintendent of Schools

Mr. Antonio Santana

April 2024

Spring is in full swing. Not only are the days getting longer and warmer, but South Country continues to provide experiences and earn accolades as we continually work on fostering Clipper PRIDE! Spring sports are well underway and it’s been great seeing our student athletes back on the fields. The high school will be performing its annual variety show, hosting an Evening of Excellence, and a College and Career Fair. There is nothing better than celebrating student achievement and watching their incredible talent on display. Our elementary schools have also engaged in special learning activities, including a first K-3 Ball hosted at the high school, more field trips and programs to supplement their learning and to focus on the fun aspect of school. We are excited at all of the opportunities we are providing our students.

On the academic front, the school year continues to move at an accelerated pace for our secondary school students. We are in the fourth quarter and it is never too late to reach out to your child’s teachers should you have any questions or concerns. It is always important to remind everyone that success in school is directly related to attending school on a daily basis, participating in class and taking advantage of all the opportunities we offer for extra help. Please contact your child’s teachers and/or counselor should you have any questions or concerns. Working together we can ensure that every student has a successful school experience. Our elementary schools are also moving along and well into their third trimester. Again, let’s work together in supporting all of our learners so that they finish out the school year in a positive manner.

As we continue to navigate through the budgetary process and look at all of the aforementioned and at our instructional programs, it’s the hard work of our teachers and staff, the support of our community and board, and the accomplishments of our students that serves as our incentive to build a budget that will support our programs and the district's continual growth. We are getting close to the end of the process and are confident that we will propose a budget that will serve our learning community well. We are excited about what is yet to come! We are also scheduled for our Spring Break this month and are looking forward to a much needed break as we head towards the final stretch of the school year. For those in our community who celebrate Passover, we want to wish you a happy holiday with family and friends.

There are a lot of great things happening in South Country and it is a real pleasure to serve the South Country Community as its superintendent of schools.

Antonio Santana
Superintendent of Schools


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