Verne W. Critz Elementary

185 North Dunton Avenue
East Patchogue, NY 11772
Phone: (631) 730-1675
Fax: (631) 286-2918

Grades K - 3

Hours: 9:20 am - 3:20 pm

Principal: Mrs. Mandy Mazziotti



@vwcelementaryschool follow us on instagram



Welcome Back 2023-2024 Student Opening Packet Clipart



NYS Physical Examination Requirement
NYSED requires a physical exam for new entrants and students in Grades Pre-K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11; annually for interscholastic sports; and working papers as needed; or as required by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) or Committee on Pre-School Special education (CPSE). The linked NYS School Health Examination form is required to be completed in entirety by a private health care provider or school medical director. If we do not receive your child's exam by October 30th, we will have your child seen by our school doctor. Please call our school nurse if you do not wish your child to have an in-school exam.

Health Exam Form

In The News

Predicting the Super Bowl

Verne W. Critz Elementary School kindergartners thumbnail264173

Verne W. Critz Elementary School kindergartners predicted that the Philadelphia Eagles would win the Super Bowl as part of a Souper Bowl fundraiser. The students placed cans of soup and other nonperishable items to be donated in the bin of the team they wanted to win the Super Bowl. Then they practiced counting by tens to add up all the donations that will be distributed to local families. In the end, the Eagles received 113 votes and the Chiefs, 53.

Date Added: 2/10/2025